Tuesday 29 May 2018


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According to Armstrong (2014), employee relations are the methods and approaches adopted by the employers to deal with the employees, either collectively through their trade unions or individually. These are concerned with managing the employment relationship and the psychological contract.

Employment Relationship Defined

International Labour Organization defines employment relationship as the legal attachment between employers and employees. This attachment is created when people engage in work or services under certain rules in return for wages.

As mentioned by CIPD (2005), the following are included in  employment relationship,

• Managing the employment contract.

• Ensuring compliance with employment law.

• Communication with employers by way of employee surveys and team briefings.

• Promoting retention,involvement and engagement.

• Discussion and negotiation, with or without trade unions to  achieve the collective goals.

Psychological Contract Defined

As per Schein (1988), an implicit contractual relationship exists between employer and employee, which is created from a series of assumptions on the part of employer and employee about the nature of their relationship. Assumptions which are mutual understandings, creates a series of expectations that may have a considerable degree of moral force, but may not be legally enforceable.

The main assumptions are that,

• Fair and honest treatment from employers.

• Equity and justice will be the base of the relationship, which will require adequate information about developments and changes.

• Employee loyalty to the employer will be reciprocated with a degree of employment and job security.

  • Employer will value and recognized the input from employees.

International Example on Employee Relations

According to Fortune's Global Most Admired Companies list Dell is placed third. They maintain a very strong employee relations, through adopting a winning culture and has become a great company and a great place to work’. 

Employee relations in ITV (The oldest and largest commercial terrestrial television network in United Kingdom) is based on collective bargaining, consultation with elected employee representatives and direct engagement with individuals.


Organizations formulate and implement plans according to their policies, to achieve the set goals, with the consideration of productive relationships and the needs of employees to be treated justly.


Armstrong, M., 2014. Armstrong's Hand of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th ed. Philadelphia: Kogan Page.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2005). What in Employee Relations?. London: CIPD

Leat, M., 2014. Employee Relations. Edinburgh Business School, 1041(January).

Schein, E., 1988. Organizational Psychology. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Accessed on 23rd May 2018 at 11.20am


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